CALL US NOW 855-403-6718​


We’re FAST…
We realize how important it is for you to get into your chosen career as soon as possible. That’s why we offer accelerated programs designed to help you get a diploma in as little as 30 weeks, an Associate’s degree in as little as 60 weeks and a Bachelor’s degree in as little as 120 weeks.

We understand that a hectic lifestyle can sometimes be an obstacle to reaching your goals. At Brookline College, we give you the flexibility to overcome that obstacle by offering morning, afternoon, evening, and online programs* designed to fit your busy schedule.

At Brookline College, we are dedicated your success and committed to providing you with our best service from start to finish. Our helpful admission representatives will help you define your goals and choose a program.  Our experienced instructors will educate you and provide hands-on training.  Our devoted staff will support you and help you complete your program, and once you graduate, they’ll assist you with your job search.

We’re BROOKLINE COLLEGE…and Your Success Starts Here.

CALL US NOW - 855-403-6718


Focused on Your Sucess

At Brookline College, we want you to succeed. That’s why we offer programs in a variety of career fields. We understand that you want a new career and a brighter future, and we are committed to helping you achieve your dreams.

If higher education has always been your goal, now is the time to make that goal a reality at Brookline College.

Programs to Suit Your Goals and Your Needs

We understand that students are busy and that life is always throwing out unexpected challenges. You may not have four or more years to devote to higher education. At Brookline College, our courses are tailored for the busy, modern student. Our career-focused degree and diploma programs are designed to give you the skills you need to help you make a positive change in your career, without putting your life on hold for four years.

Dedicated Staff and Faculty

The faculty and staff at Brookline College are experienced in their fields. They’ve worked in the real world and can apply their hands-on knowledge to the classroom. Our staff is on hand to help you navigate your way towards attaining your diploma or degree – from enrollment to graduation.

If you are ready to pursue a career in Health Care, Business, or the Legal field, you’ve come to the right place.

CALL 855-403-6718